MARKER:ex:molotow,OTR,KRINK etc. tapi paling gampang bikin pake glue stick (stick),kosongin,bawahnya di kasih hot glue biar ga bocor,put in your own ink,(di bawah ada)and its done!!

MOPS:ex:KRINK,NYC mop,DED etc.
Beli shoe polish KIWI buang isinya put in some mixing ball/mur,put your own ink.done

INK:ex:DED,molotow,garvey etc.
Banyak tipenya HTB(hard to buff),drippy,and GK(ghetto krink)kalo mau keren gua saranin pake yang HTB aja tp kalo mau tau yang lain gpp. soalnya htb susah diilangin,pake tinta yang ada di pulpen biasa ambil tintanya,terserah brapa,makin banyak makin bagus,setiap 40 pulpen ambil stgh gelas alcohol,and put in some mixing balls to mix it.done!

SPRAY PAINT:ex:belton molotow,sabotaz 80,ironlak, montana etc
Emang susah cari merek merek gitu di indonesia,paling kalo mau beli dari website luar,yang paling gua suka si belton molotow,soalnya warnanya lumayan banyak,trus dia bikin 2 yang low pressure,sama yang high pressure,but its up to you

CAPS:ex:NY fat,pink dot,transversall,german outline etc.
Kalo caps itu si sesuai kebutuhan aja,mau yang linenya fat ada,linenya yang thin ada,yang miring juga ada(transversal palanya nongol kotak)sesuai kebutuhan aja

BLACKBOOK:tempat dimana latihan,dapetin inspirasi,kalo mau si blackbook harus bawa kemana mana,biar kalo dapet inspirasi bisa langsung ditulis

Feedback :
DED:do 'em dirty
Drips:yang turun2 kalo di pencet

Hard to buff ink recipe :
1.Get some pens (a lot of them)
2.Get some alcohol 70 % or more
3.Get a brake fluid or any other additive
How to :
1.Now you've got the pens
the ratio is 40 pens per half cup alcohol
2.More pens more harder to buff
3.Put some brake fluid
4.Shake it!
5.Let it sit for 6 hours

Ghetto krink :
1.Paint any colour
(oil based),if you can't  get it,just buy the latex paint,latex is weatherproof..
2.Get some paint thinner
3.Mix it all,and your done
4.Add some additives
Junobo (still ghetto) :
1.Cat putih,kalo ga ada oil-based,latex works fine.
2.Cat air,yang padetnya
3.Paint thinner
Ghetto?get-to/get to : mirip-miripanlah bukan yang aslinya,tapi udah hampir menyerupai
Paint thinner : for paint
Alcohol : for inks
More paint thinner drippy ink
Basic Additives :
B-fluid dot 3 for inks,also works on paint
Making a homemade marker :
1.Buy some pyramid stamp pad ink,the nib is look like a molotow marker,if you buy it don't juice the nib first
2.Empty it out
3.Put in your own ink
The prices pyramid stamp pad ink I think it's around of Rp 15.000
It's pretty cheap,you can also get a drips from it

TAG TAG TAG yeahhhh..